********** How to use ********** ``UndersmoothTau`` is the core functionality of ``UndersmoothedUnfolding``, and is implemented so that it can be used with any initial pilot estimate of :math:`\tau` from, say, cross-validation, L-curve, etc. For typical usage, users simply need to add a call to ``UndersmoothTau`` to their usual TUnfold workflow. Given an initial estimate of :math:`\tau`, ``UndersmoothTau`` gradually reduces the amount of regularization until the 68% target coverage is met within a tolerance :math:`\epsilon`. ``UndersmoothTau`` depends on another core functionality, ``ComputeCoverage``. Under certain assumptions, the coverage probability of the unfolded confidence intervals can be written down in closed form, thus providing ``UndersmoothTau`` a principled way of choosing the amount of undersmoothing. The expression for the coverage depends on the unknown true spectrum, which ``UndersmoothTau`` substitutes with a nontrivial plug-in estimate when calling ``ComputeCoverage``. For more mathematical and technical detail, please refer to Kuusela (2016) [1]_. -------------- Example usage -------------- ``UndersmoothTau`` is implemented so that it can be used with any initial estimate of :math:`\tau`. Below is an example usage of ``UndersmoothTau`` with the inital estimate from the ``TUnfold::ScanLcurve`` method. .. code-block:: c++ TUnfold unfold = new TUnfold(); // construct a TUnfold object unfold.ScanLcurve(); // unfold using ScanLcurve method TauFromLcurve = unfold.GetTau(); // retrieve tau chosen by ScanLcurve // starting from tau chosen by ScanLcurve, reduce tau until the minimum estimated coverage // meets the target coverage, which is the nominal 68% minus the tolerance epsilon (0.01 in this example). TauFromUndersmoothing = unfold.UndersmoothTau(TauFromLcurve, 0.01, 1000); unfold.DoUnfold(TauFromUndersmoothing); // unfold again with undersmoothed tau --------------------- Expected input/output --------------------- Please refer to :ref:`function references` page for details about supported input and expected output. .. [1] M. Kuusela, “Uncertainty quantification in unfolding elementary particle spectra at the Large Hadron Collider”, PhD thesis, EPFL (2016)