My legal name is Junhyung Kim (김준형), but I usually go by Lyle. I am a fifth year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at Rice University, advised by Prof. Anastasios Kyrillidis. I also work closely with Prof. César A. Uribe and Prof. Nai-Hui Chia.
Before joining Rice, I was a research professional at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business supervised by Prof. Panos Toulis.
I received bachelor’s degrees in Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Chicago in 2017. During my senior year at the college, I also worked with Prof. Mikael Kuusela under the supervision of Prof. Michael L. Stein.
In summer 2023, I worked as a visiting student researcher at MILA – Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute under the supervision of Prof. Gauthier Gidel and Prof. Ioannis Mitliagkas.
In summer 2022, I worked at Meta (Fundamental AI Research) as a research intern under the supervision of Dr. Aaron Defazio.
Here is my CV, and Google Scholar.
Ph.D. in Computer Science, 2019 - present
Rice University
B.A. in Mathematics; B.A. in Statistics, 2017
University of Chicago
[03 Jun 2024] I started my quantum computing research internship at JP Morgan Chase under the supervision of Dr. Marco Pistoia.
[01 May 2024] Our paper On the Error-Propagation of Inexact Deflation for Principal Component Analysis has been accepted at ICML 2024. Congratulations to all the co-authors!
[05 Mar 2024] Our paper Smoothness-Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Minimization for Finding Flatter Minima has been accepted at the Practical ML for Low Resource Settings Workshop, ICLR 2024. Congratulations to all the co-authors!
[26 Jan 2024] Our paper How Much Pre-training Is Enough to Discover a Good Subnetwork? has been accepted at the Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR). Congratulations to all the co-authors!
[16 Jan 2024] Our paper Adaptive Federated Learning with Auto-Tuned Clients has been accepted at the International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2024. This is joint work with M. Taha Toghani, Prof. César A. Uribe, and Prof. Tasos Kyrillidis.